In 1982 I graduated from Blue Ridge High School in New Milford, Pa. I was off to Penn State to be an accountant; yep….an accountant.
Midway through my Junior year, in the big Accounting 401 course I realized that I HATED ACCOUNTING!!!!
And for the next 25 years in my personal journey I have proven my hatred for accounting. A few years back I woke up with a big mess. I mean a HUGE mess – can you say low-to-mid-six-figure debt?
I was scared, frustrated and worse than all felt hopeless.
And, the “man in the mirror” was 100 percent to blame.
Somewhere along the way I was introduced to Dave Ramsey. Ramsey is a faith-based financial guru who preaches debt-free living. He has created an empire with a logical step-by-step approach to financial freedom for those of us who have failed at debt-free living.
In one session I heard him say: “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.”
My debt was an elephant and it was crushing me.
For the past five or six years I have worked his program and one move at a time I’m starting to take a pretty good bite out of my elephant. In fact, I’m into the second half of my quest for debt-free living and have momentum on my side.
Rarely in life do we have a major life-altering experience. Sure, there is a bad medical report, a family crisis or maybe a spiritual moment that can turn our lives upside down; but in most cases change comes one bite at a time.
A little change here, an adjustment there, a bad habit-broken and guess what?
We wake up a year later in a better spot.
Do you have an elephant? Maybe not an elephant, but is there something you need to nibble away at?
One bite at a time can really make our lives #SimplyBetter
- Postman